It is our hope that by volunteering with Prairie Elder Care our volunteers gain a more positive understanding of people living with dementia. Our residents benefit from making connections, feeling included and valued, and from trying new, meaningful engagement opportunities with our volunteers.
Volunteer Program
Entertainment Volunteer Program:
We welcome talent in our Farmstead Program and our Day Program for our clients to take part in and enjoy. This can include a music performance, art activity, share a hobby, and more.
Pet Therapy Program:
Volunteers bring their pets in to engage and interact with our clients. Pets make wonderful companions for people living with dementia. It’s common for many of our clients to form special bonds with the animals during a visit.
Day Program:
Volunteers assist staff in large and small group activities with our day program clients. Activities include art projects, gardening, music, brain games, exercise, and entertainment.
Monthly Men’s Coffee:
Men from the community come in to lead a conversation, drink coffee and connect with our male clients. This program gives our clients a way to stay connected, to reminisce with other men, and creates a feeling of overall happiness.
Gal Pals:
Women from the community get matched with a female client and begin a friendship. Over visits, the women get to share stories, laugh together and form bonds.
Student Volunteer Program:
Prairie Elder Care believes in bringing children and young adults and college students together with people living with dementia. Our intergenerational program creates connections for participants and the greater community. This program also helps to dispel stereotypes, help participants to enact change, and to gain understanding and empathy for other generations.